In this guide to installing the NJK Precision Open Air Sensor Perimeter Flange, we strive to increase understanding of the safest and most effective installation methods for NJK Precision equipment, particularly sensors. The guide provides detailed instructions and measurements for technicians performing the installation. It explains the correct pieces to use and how to secure different parts in place.
Measuring airflows, setting up signal processing systems, and using NJK Precision equipment can be challenging without proper guidance. , NJK Precision products are made to assist in accurate airflow measurement. Designed for maximum accuracy and reliability down to extremely low airflows, this precision allows users to control fresh air intake volumes even when supply fan speeds are decreased. NJK Precision products are a for adding to existing buildings or incorporating into new construction.
In this guide, installers are advised that any NJK Precision sensor installed in locations where the inlet of the sensor flow frame is allowed to hang freely into open space should have a 1-1/4” to 1-1/2” perimeter flange piece installed on the outer edge of the extruded aluminum pieces to allow for proper airflow through the inlet of the flow frame and sensor.
Installers should remember to mount sheet metal angle edge pieces even with the inlet face of the extruded aluminum pieces of the flow frame. When installing, secure each sheet metal perimeter flange piece by fastening the edge to the extruded aluminum frame on all four sides (approximately 18” apart or as needed) with the screws provided or any sheet metal screw 1” or smaller in size. Finally, ensure that all holes permeated in the extruded aluminum frame pieces have been tightly sealed.
If the NJK Precision system is not installed correctly, there can be major issues with accurate data collection. For instance, if the perimeter flange piece installed on the outer edge of the extruded aluminum pieces does not allow for proper airflow through the inlet of the flow frame and sensor, there can be problems with sensors getting correct data. This guide was written to help avoid such issues.