Measuring airflows, setting up signal processing systems, and using NJK Precision equipment can be challenging without proper guidance.
This guide explains the mounting options for the NJK Precision Airflow Measuring Station’s sheet metal sleeves. The NJK Precision Airflow Measurement Station utilizes its patented Dual-Chambered Airfoil Design to dynamically normalize turbulent airflows inherent within the ductwork through a single mass Airflow Measuring Module. The NJK Precision HVAC measurement product’s design offers accurate readings with fewer mounting restrictions due to a lack of available straight duct lengths. It can accurately measure flows to less than 30 FPM in most applications.
The station can be ordered with a sheet metal sleeve to allow for easy field adaptation of “bolt together” fastening flange products for installation ease or if the job specifications require their use. This guide explains the NJK Precision Sensor Flow Frame mounts and what available configurations can be used. This one-page guide features graphs and measurements and can be downloaded to use at any job site.